Anti-Social Behaviour and Violence Against Women and Girls

Knowledge Hub

Anti-social behaviour toolkit

The resources in this toolkit can support police officers to tackle ASB. It contains links to relevant:

  • legislation and powers

  • evidence-based approaches for tackling ASB and drivers of ASB

  • case studies and research projects from forces in England and Wales

Commissioning services to tackle violence against women and girls

The national statement of expectations and commissioning toolkit provide guidance on how to commission effective services to tackle violence against women and girls.

Personal security and anti-social behaviour on bus - research and policy review

As part of Transport Focus’s business plan activity to improve passenger satisfaction of personal security on bus and rail, we have carried out a deep dive into our data to identify the key concerns passengers have while waiting at bus stops and travelling on board services. This short report on anti-social behaviour has been compiled from their most recent Your Bus Journey 2023 survey data for England.

Slides from our ASB conference, November 2024

The Bus Centre of Excellence
and the Department for Transport held the Anti-Social Behaviour including Violence Against Women and Girls' Conference on 28 November 2024 in Central London.

Violence against women and
girls toolkit

This toolkit supports police officers and staff to protect women and girls from misogyny and bring criminals to justice.

Personal Security on London’s Transport Network

Over the past few years, London TravelWatch has been engaged in a research project about personal security for people travelling in London. We wanted to know what needs to be done to increase the safety of those travelling around the capital and to identify priorities for the city’s decision makers and transport providers.

Handbook: Creating Places That Work For Women and Girls

The Handbook has been informed by robust local evidence including two rounds of evidence gathering involving around 1,000 women and girls, as well as emerging national and international studies and approaches.

Toolkit for Prosecutors on Violence Against Women and Girls Cases Involving Vulnerable Victims

The purpose of this Toolkit is to support prosecutors dealing with Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) cases involving a vulnerable victim.

Personal security and anti-social behaviour on bus - a passenger perspective

Transport Focus has previously published a series of research reports relating to criminality and anti-social behaviour on public transport1. This new report looks to build on these findings. It uses Transport Focus’s extensive survey of bus passenger satisfaction to examine attitudes to, and perceptions of, personal security. It also looks at what can help people feel safer.

Violence against women and girls national statement of expectations

This National Statement of Expectations (NSE) sets out how local areas should commission effective services to ensure their whole system response to VAWG is as collaborative, robust and effective as it can be so that all victims and survivors, including children as victims in their own right, can get the help they need.