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The CMA has published its final recommendationthat the Secretary of State for Business and Trade vary the existing Public Transport Ticketing Schemes Block Exemption (PTTSBE) so that it will continue without a fixed duration and that it amend the definition of ‘connecting service’.
This report specifically addresses one key customer challenge - the presentation of information about a journey for which a bus then does not appear at the customer location, often referred to as ghost buses.
This report sets out to address this gap in understanding. Previous reports and specifications from RTIG have covered a wide range of topics, and a number of the reports have made reference to the quality and/or accuracy of real time information (RTI): in the form of predicted arrival and departure times.
The purpose of this paper is to outline learnings from our ongoing research exploring the governance and funding reforms needed to revive England’s bus networks and accelerate decarbonisation with a focus on learning from Greater Manchester’s experience.
A new report launched by Campaign for Better Transport has revealed that just a third of people have an up-to-date timetable at their nearest bus stop and even fewer have real-time information, creating a real barrier to using the bus.
This report focuses on the findings from fare paying passengers in England (outside of London) from the 2023 Your Bus Journey survey. It will also look behind the data, explaining why the key factors matter to passengers and, where possible, put a spotlight on an area/operator where good work is being done to deliver strong ratings.
This document was commissioned by the Department for Transport (DfT), prepared by Arup and issued in November 2024. It is intended to help local authority officers, and other bus practitioners, to make the case for bus schemes.
This document summarises the shared experiences and views of those who attended; and recommends what wider policy and legislative support is needed to strengthen EPs going forward.
In recognition of the role that buses play for the delivery of Social Value, the Department for Transport commissioned Arup to develop a ‘Social Value Toolkit’ to support the delivery of the Bus Service Improvements Programme (BSIP). This document builds on the extensive work conducted by various organisations as well as on evolving policy and research, to outline the approach to Social Value for the programme as well as mechanisms for delivery.
This Report (the “Report”) has been prepared by KPMG LLP (‘KPMG’, ‘we’ or ‘our’) for the Confederation of Passenger Transport (“CPT”) on the basis of an engagement contract dated 22ndMay 2024 between CPT and KPMG (the “Engagement Contract”).
The Institution of Environmental Sciences has published a report on Integrating Action on Air Quality and Climate Change: A Guide for Local Authorities. Section 4.1 covers Transport and pages 36 to 38 cover “Increasing modal shift to buses and improving the bus fleet”. The report has been uploaded on to the BCoE website and can be found here.
This guidance delivers the commitment to strengthen guidance to make sure bus lanes help rather than hinder traffic.
The original bus franchising guidance was first published back in 2017 in support of the Bus Services Act. The revised and updated version has now been published and simplifies the processes to reflect Greater Manchester’s experience of working with the legislation in practice. It has also been updated in light of the National Bus Strategy (published in 2021) and any further policy changes which have taken place since. It focuses on how a bus service improvement plan can be delivered through a franchising scheme whilst streamlining the assessment processes, saving time and costs for LTAs by providing additional advice on the practical processes that Greater Manchester used to meet the legislative requirements and by clarifying the flexibilities that the legislation allows.
This document is a summary of the key findings from this research. It aims to provide an overview of the key areas that drive bus patronage for each segment for relevant stakeholders such as policy makers and bus operators, as well as for members of the interested public.