Supporting the Delivery of Social Value through buses

Bus services are powerful tool for the promotion of social equity, supporting people, regardless of their background, to access critical opportunities. Buses help build and connect our communities and support an improved environmental quality for our current and future generations. Amplifying the delivery of Social Value through buses is not only a legal requirement for local authorities, it is a moral obligation for each one of us in the sector.

To support this goal, Department for Transport has commissioned Arup to develop a ‘Social Value Toolkit’ as part of the Bus Service Improvement Programme (BSIP). We have been working hard capturing some of the great practice and research which is already out there, to ensure this is a resource that can also support and inspire those who might not be directly involved with the programme but who also wish to explore ways to further embed Social Value considerations as they plan, deliver, and operate local bus networks. I’m thrilled to announce its upcoming launch, hoping it can serve as a platform for continued engagement around such a critical topic.

Why is advancing the delivery of Social Value important to us?

People with particular protected characteristics often travel more by public transport and are more reliant on it, however, they consistently report experiencing more challenges when doing so. This ultimately leads to disadvantage.

We must view our networks using a social model of disability, where we acknowledge that people are not disadvantaged by an individual difference, but rather by the barriers placed upon them because of that. If we were all to take this perspective, what would you change in your bus network? And what is level of priority you would give to those changes?

Whilst it is unrealistic to ask each of us to hypothesize over the needs and expectations of all groups based on individual lived experience, it is crucial for us to educate ourselves using what has already been captured. There is already much valuable research and good practice out there. This toolkit builds on that great body of work to provide a centralised resource of information for the bus sector.

What can you expect from the toolkit?

The toolkit is divided into the following sections:

  • Defining social value and why it is important to us: Focusing on the ‘advancement of equality of opportunities’ through bus services.

  • Policy, guidance and strategic alignment: Outlining important advancements over time across policy, legislation, guidance and research.

  • Putting people first: Exploring general principles for developing passenger-centred bus improvements, including how these are to be considered across the different stages of strategy-setting, data collection, planning and design, delivery, and monitoring and evaluation. An exploration into ‘personas’ with a focus on specific protected characteristics is also included.

  • Making the case for social value: Relating to the process of business case development, with recommendations for integration at the strategic and economic dimensions. References are made to research that records the wider benefits provided by buses and attempts to monetise these.

  • Resources available: A library with live links to the various sources.

  • Actionable points: A summary of practical recommendations across the different stages for developing bus interventions.

What we ask from you

Your engagement, curiosity and support to help us advance this agenda. Whether you have an influence in planning, delivering, or operating bus services, or simply use them as a passenger, everyone has a role in promoting equality of opportunity and enhancing the experience for all users.

While we've made great progress, particularly in recent years, there is still much to accomplish. In a way, I hope this toolkit soon becomes outdated and requires of updating to reflect the continuous advancements in this space. I invite you to have a look at the toolkit and to engage in this conversation for driving positive change.

Author: Liani Baglietto Castellares

Liani is a Planner specialised in social value and inclusive mobility. She currently leads the Social Value workstream of the Bus Service Improvements Programme, working closely with the DfT and a range of stakeholders to help maximize the advancement of equalities of opportunities through investment in buses. Liani is also experienced in designing for and with under-represented groups, acknowledging the diversity of needs and expectations through meaningful engagement, co-creation, and evaluation.


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