Breeze – Demonstrating Successful Collaboration for Mobility as a Service

Elaborating on their winning submission to the CIHT Collaboration Award, the Solent Transport MaaS leadership team will summarise the challenges, successes, and lessons learnt in delivering Breeze the UK’s largest MaaS platform. They will cover the primary elements of the programme that have required unprecedented levels of collaboration across public and private organisations – covering the technical, commercial, legal, data and governance reflections.


Steve Longman - MaaS Programme Lead

Steve is the MaaS Programme Lead for Solent Transport. In his role, he is responsible for managing the delivery of all aspects of the Breeze platform, including technology, commercial, stakeholder engagement, testing and evaluation, and product management. With more than 16 years’ experience in the sustainable transport and future mobility space, together with a background in technology, he is focused on delivering real outcomes for people supported by technology.

Charlie Nichols – MaaS Programme Co-Lead and Marketing Communications Manager

Charles is the MaaS Programme Co-Lead and Marketing Communications Manager for Solent Transport and the Solent Future Transport Zone. He co-leads the development of Breeze, Solent FTZ’s Mobility-as-a-Service platform and manages the FTZ’s strategic approach to marketing, communications and behaviour change. With a particular interest in applying the principles of behavioural economics to deliver growth in awareness and engagement with mobility innovation projects, Charles champions an approach that keeps the customer’s objectives and user experience at the centre of product development. Charles has provided advice and guidance to numerous organisations trialling MaaS in the UK, including: Kent County Council, HITRANS and the three other Future Transport Zones in the West Midlands, East Midlands and South West of England. Charles sits on the pan-European MaaS development group in partnership with projects in Berlin, Brussels, Nottingham and Derby.


Webinar: The CPT Cost Monitor – useful for everyone


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