An Overview of the NBS, BSIPs, and the Difference Between EPs and Franchising

This article provides a summary of the national bus strategy, bus service improvement plans and how Podaris could help with data analysis to assist with BSIP delivery.

The National Bus Strategy (NBS) is a UK government plan to improve bus services in England. It includes measures such as funding for bus priority measures, better information for passengers, and increased support for electric buses. Bus Service Improvement Plans (BSIPs) are local plans developed by local authorities and bus operators to improve bus services in their area, in line with the NBS.

Enhanced Partnerships (EPs) are agreements between local authorities and bus operators to work together to improve bus services, including measures such as more frequent services, better ticketing options, and better information for passengers. Unlike franchising, EPs do not involve the transfer of bus operations to the local authority.

This resource is useful for those involved in the delivery of new bus services.


New Onboard Announcements to Make Britain’s Buses Accessible for Everyone.


Building More Equitable Bus Services as Part of the National Bus Strategy