Bus Statistics Data Tables

A government resource that provides statistical data sets and tables related to bus transportation in the UK. The website contains a range of data on bus usage, such as passenger journeys, distance travelled, and revenue earned by bus companies. The data is presented in tables and charts and covers a range of geographic areas, including regional and local authority breakdowns. The website is aimed at researchers, transport analysts, and policymakers who require access to reliable and up-to-date data on bus transportation.

The data sets can be downloaded in various formats and are updated regularly to reflect the latest available information. Some of the data tables available on the website include:

- Bus passenger journeys by region and local authority

- Bus passenger journeys by operator

- Bus passenger journeys by fare type

- Bus passenger journeys by age and gender

- Bus service reliability and punctuality by region and local authority

- Bus fares and revenue by region and local authority

- Bus fleet size and composition by region and operator

- Local bus service registrations by region and operator

These data tables are presented in Excel format and are regularly updated to reflect the latest available data.


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