Motivations and Barriers to Bus Usage

This GB-wide study by Transport Focus, concentrates on the barriers and motivations for bus use across the lapsed and non-user groups. It was undertaken in March 2023 via a commercial (Yonder) omnibus panel and builds on similar work first undertaken in 2022 for comparison.

Key survey findings include:

  • Who uses buses has changed – there is a sizeable group who used to use the bus who have simply not returned at all since Covid and many users are using it less than before.

  • A preference for the car among non-users will continue to be hard to overcome. Perceptions that the bus is inconvenient and takes too long also prohibit people from giving it a go.

  • The capped fare scheme is providing value for money to users. Half who have used the scheme have been encouraged to use the bus more because of it.

  • A lack of knowledge about services presents an opportunity for the industry – better promotion of services and schemes such as the £2 bus fare scheme could encourage lapsed and non-users.


The National Bus Strategy Delivering Bus Service Improvement Plans -- using an Enhanced Partnership (DfT)


Value for Money of Tendered Bus Services (DfT)