Getting Free Pass Holders Back on Buses (Transport Focus)

Data suggests that since the end of the pandemic, older and disabled free bus pass holders have not gone back to using buses in significant numbers. Transport Focus is keen to know more about why this is.

Transport Focus spoke to 2500 members of its transport user panel to understand how bus use has changed and what measures could be taken to encourage older and disabled pass holders back on board.

In July 2022 Transport Focus published the report Getting free bus pass holders back on board. This report presented findings from research completed between March and April 2022 with 5000 members of Transport Focus’ Transport User Panel who held, or who were eligible for, a disabled persons’ or older persons’ pass allowing concessionary travel on buses.

To explore this issue further, Transport Focus have undertaken a new online survey among their Transport User Panel who hold, or eligible to hold, a free pass to use buses. This July 2023 report provides the findings from this research and explores what might encourage people to use the bus more.

Getting free pass holders back on buses - Transport Focus


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