Joined-up Journeys: Integration & Interchange (CILT)

This toolkit is intended for anyone who is working with or for a local authority, contractor or transport provider and is involved in the planning and implementation of the pedestrian environment, transport infrastructure or transport services. It is relevant to those at managerial level, as well as to those at operational level.

Unless transport and infrastructure improvements and developments are seen as inextricably linked, there will be breaks in the chain of accessible transport/mobility. Unless every link in the accessibility chain is complete, journeys will be impossible for some and difficult for many.

The toolkit provides tips on a number of areas, including:

  • New/changed bus routes

  • New bus stations or other transport infrastructure

  • Ticketing and journey planning

The toolkit provides guidance on:

  • Access audits

  • Ticketing technologies: gateways to accessible public transport

Case studies are provided throughout the document, including the West Croydon Bus Station.


Getting Free Pass Holders Back on Buses (Transport Focus)


Factors Affecting Local Bus Demand and Potential for Increase (CILT)