Intended Audience: Local authorities and those with an interest in developing local authority skills in providing bus services.
Purpose: To inform the audience about the outcomes of capacity and capability research work by Arup and Campaign for Better Transport, highlight specific skills gaps, and provide an overview of support packages.
Agenda and Timings:
Introduction and aims of the event – BCoE (5 mins)
Presentation: Bus capacity and capability report – Silviya Barrett, Campaign for Better Transport (15 mins)
Presentation: Capability survey findings and support packages and forums developed in response – Andrew Steele, Arup (20 mins)
Panel discussion: Next steps and opportunities - Arup & CBT will provide a view on what this should mean going forwards in the sector (10 mins)
Overall Q&A (10 mins)
Silviya Barrett is Director of Policy and Campaigns at Campaign for Better Transport - the national charity championing high quality, affordable sustainable transport. Silviya joined the charity in February 2020. She is responsible for building the organisation's policy, research and campaigns programme and managing external engagement. She also leads project delivery and local engagement. Prior to that, she was Research Manager at think tank Centre for London.
Andrew Steele is a People & Organisations Consultant at Arup, a member owned consultancy firm focused on using multidisciplinary expertise to improve outcomes in the built environment. As a Work Psychology professional Andrew works across projects on organisational change and capability development. This includes his role for Arup as they support the DfT with the National Bus Strategy Programme.